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The inclusion of the Vondel exclusion zone for Warzone 2 DMZ provides an all-new map for players to explore. Though most of you may be focusing on completing missions or securing the Vondel Weapon Case upon heading here, you may also be looking for a particular locked cache. The Windmill Bag is one cache of interest - and unlocking it can be a great method for securing some valuable items.

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The Windmill Bag is just one of the countless locked caches on Vondel. Opening this locked cache can prove quite beneficial, as it contains a guaranteed Gold Bar. If opened in conjunction with the Vondel Stage Bag, you should be able to knock off some significant progress in acquiring your third insured shot.

Where To Find The Windmill Bag

The Windmill Bag is a rather lucrative loot cache on Vondel and can be found at the top of the windmill to the west of the Stadium. Be careful when heading to this area of the map, as quite a lot of Konni soldiers can be found here. You can access the top of the Windmill via a zipline leading from its base, or via gliding down to it from an elevated point of the map. The locked cache you are looking for can be found to the left of this very zipline - among a series of wooden boxes.

The Windmill Bag contains a guaranteed Gold Bar, making it a great loot cache to head to when knocking out progress to acquire your third-insures slot. The Windmill Bag can only be opened through the use of a Skeleton Key or the Windmill Bag Key. Currently, there is no guaranteed way to find the Windmill Bag Key, so it can only be obtained randomly from looted caches or killing HVTs. However, be on the lookout for other locked loot caches such as the Mayor's Briefcase, as these particular caches often provide a high chance of finding such a key.

Next: Warzone 2 DMZ: Where To Find The Buoyant House